Close Your Eyes And Let My Words Invade Your Mind
11/25/2010 | Posted by Da Seekah | Edit Post

They say a mind is a terrible thing to waste...
So close yours eyes
And in the words of Shakespeare
Prepare those promiscuous pink petals to die
Relax and open the sensual portal of your brain
Agree to this aromatically and aphrodisiac assault
And leave your body
In perpetual pristine pleasures placating penultimate pleasurable pleasing pain
Pain for what your body craves
Will be imprisoned in your mind
And cut off from your enraged erogenous zones
From your vindicated vehement veins
Viscously vilifying the emotional marriage that must take place
So that your body can taste the sinful poisons placed in your promiscuous mind
So without further ado my victim
Let my film of lust begin
Imagine you’re with a clandestine chocolate coated dick
Imagine it crucifying your crevices
Cleverly caressing your canals as its juices protrude its delicious delight
Pulling your other senses into this erotic entrapment
Entrapped by the additive licking of a lusciously lengthy tongue
Eagerly awaiting an electrifying explosion
That exposes your body drenched in sweat drenched in cum blissfully baptised in the cream of your chocolate crucifixion
Envision your canal being performed by a promiscuous percussionist
Meditate on this portrait
As this orgasmic orchestrator
Wills your walls with whistles
As i blow....
Manifesting melodies that marinate
Melting and wilting your wanting walls
As I play a sensual song
Fastidiously fantastic fingers
Until your moans ascend to the spheres of seductive screams
Till I hit your hub
Causing a classical crescendo
Charismatically crashing
Celestial ceilings
Insert incessantly
Intensive invasions
Till the screams break into your realistic realms
And you’re shocked by the utterances of your own misguided mouth
Taste your cum
Relish in the revelation of your beautifully radiant body
Resist restraint
Resist tantalising temptations
Till I cum for you
Till I can cum to satisfy you.
© Daseekah
Filed Under: Thoughts
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dayummm seekah...this shit got me sweatin' lol
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